Amazon EFN gives you the ability to get your products onto the other European Amazon marketplaces quickly and relatively easily. In this article you will learn everything about EFN.
How do I start selling on the European Amazon marketplaces?
After the USA, the German Amazon marketplace is the largest in the world. However, the other European marketplaces, such as the UK, France, Spain & Italy are also experiencing brisk growth. Therefore, they are also becoming more and more interesting for German sellers and vendors.
But how do you start pan-European sales on Amazon now? There are two different ways to do this. PAN EU & EFN. In this article, we look at the European shipping network, known as the EFN program.
If you can answer yes to the following aspects, then Amazon EFN is most likely the right choice for you. Otherwise, take a look at our article about Amazon PAN EU.
- You are only registered for sales tax in Germany so far
- You want to test the other marketplaces first
- You want to sell to the other countries as cost-efficiently and risk-free as possible
Furthermore, it is important to note which shipping method you choose. Do you want to ship your products via Amazon FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfilment by Merchant).
In simpler terms, do you want to let Amazon handle the fulfillment, storage & delivery, or ship the goods from your own warehouse to the end customers (in the destination countries).
Little Tip: We usually recommend choosing FBA shipping here because it allows you to offer Prime delivery on the other marketplaces as well. Here, Prime shipping from Germany is transferred to the other European countries. This is a significant plus for your visibility within the other EU marketplaces. Prime certification of your own warehouse is usually difficult, especially when shipping to other European countries.
Amazon EFN – All facts at a glance
Here is a brief overview of EFN
- Your products are sent from Germany directly to the end customer in the destination country
- No VAT registration is required in the destination country
- It is possible to use the
OSS procedure
can be used - You can customize images & product texts individually for the other marketplaces
- You have to inform yourself about the regulations in the destination countries (ex. TRIMAN in France)
How do you sign up for the Amazon EFN program?
No special registration is required for the Amazon EFN program. It is enough if you have a European Amazon account and create your products with the same SKU on the other marketplaces as well. Simply change the country in Sellercentral at the top and create the products as usual.
Did you knowthat there is the possibility to upload country specific images? Many sellers use the same, mostly English language, images across all marketplaces. By using specific images for each marketplace, you can significantly improve your conversion rate.
We will be happy to help you with the translation and setup.
What are the benefits of Amazon EFN?
Hardly any other platform offers you the opportunity to sell so quickly and easily to the other European marketplaces. Of course, no other marketplace in the EU is as large as Germany’s. However, competition and, accordingly, click prices outside Germany are still relatively low. Therefore, many sellers on the other marketplaces do not record much more revenue, but comparatively good profits.
Amazon EFN represents the entry point to internationalizing your business. This is a risk-free and cost-effective way to find out how your products perform outside Germany. This way, you can get a feel for the program before you start the much more complex PAN-EU program.
What are the disadvantages of Amazon EFN ?
Since the shipping is done abroad, the delivery time is of course a bit longer than with domestic shipping.
At the same time, the storage fees to be paid to Amazon are also higher, since your goods are usually shipped from a German warehouse to the customer abroad.
Amazon EFN: Advantages & disadvantages at a glance
- Only one VAT ID required
- Very simple inventory management
- Cost effective facility
- Higher storage fees
- Longer delivery times
- Regular declarations required (OSS procedure)
What are the costs associated with Amazon EFN?
The costs for using the European shipping network are influenced by the regular FBA fees, among other things. Fixed fees cannot be quantified as the actual cost depends on the storage location, product type, weight and size of your assortment.
Amazon EFN – now selling across Europe
Need help getting your listings ready for Amazon EFN? Then contact us with pleasure! We advise you free of charge and without obligation.